Elijah Parker Empke
Born: August 18, 2002 at 4:00 a.m.
At: Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
7lbs 14 oz., 19 3/4 inches
Once again, pregnancy was hard. Not as bad as Sloane, but
lots of barfing. Once again, names were hard to come by, but at least our
naming convention made the search for the first name a simpler process.
And no, he is not named after that Lord of the Rings actor.
It was a Saturday and Marg had been having contractions on and
off all day. We were old pros by this time so we didn't panic and rush to
the hospital. But eventually, Marg became suspicious that she was leaking
amniotic fluid, so off we went. We went to Marg's parents first and had
dinner and then off to the hospital around 9 pm. And lo and behold, they
didn't want to admit her - her contractions were not that strong. But the
hospital wasn't busy, she was dilated so they kept us anyway. Room wasn't
quite as nice as last time - no recliner for Colin. But nice,
After we were admitted, the doctor came to conduct her first
exam and had hardly started when POP the water broke. Everywhere.
Doctor figured Marg had been leaking for awhile and had better deliver sooner
rather than later to avoid the risk of infection. So drugs were
administered to speed things up. By 1 am, the epidural was inserted (and
boy, was that an ordeal - ask us about it) and things were progressing.
At 3:55 am, the nurse asked if anyone had conducted an internal
check recently. No one had, so the nurse checked - 7cm. Based on
usual expectations, another 2 hours was expected. As soon as the nurse
finished, Marg felt the urge to push. Another quick check and 9cm was the
situation. Nurse called for the doctor; Marg said "He's coming" and yes,
his head was right there. A resident arrived, one push later, out popped
Parker. The OB arrived in time to deliver the placenta. All was
fine. Indeed, Parker came out so fast he didn't have a cone head - people
thought he was delivered by C-section.

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