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All contents copyright © 2006 by Colin & Marg Empke. All rights reserved.
Revised: 01 Nov 2008 20:55:03 -0500      





Marg and I have seen a lot of plays over the years.  Now, don't get the idea that we are cultural or literary snobs - we aren't.  We don't have the time or the inclination to see a lot of fringe theatre.  We stick to the tried and true - the Mirvish subscription series; Shaw; Stratford, etc.  We like to think we are cultured in a mainstream kind of way.  I do note, however, that in recent years the Mirvish family has been mounting plays that aren't just the Broadway smashes, but are also smaller, less esteemed and less famous works.

I have decided to try and commemorate the plays we have seen by providing a listing of them.  When I can remember the details of where and when we saw them, I will provide those details.  If, by a small miracle, I can remember enough about the play to comment on it, I will do so (and Marg may help, since her memories are so much better than mine).  - Colin

Click on the links below to read my impressions.

Adventures of a Black Girl in Search of God (February 14, 2004)

Copenhagen (February 7, 2004)