Sloane's First Dance Recital - June 13, 2004
In the fall of 2003, Marg decided to exercise her cultural heritage and enrol
Sloane in Irish dance lessons. There is a school nearby called
"The Irish Dance Studio" (905-898-0061) that
offered classes for 3-5 year olds on Saturday mornings. And thus
started a year of lost Saturday sleeping in time..... Most Saturdays, Marg
would get up and take Sloane to class and I would stay home with Parker.
Sometimes I would take both - and that was an experience as Parker would take
the opportunity to run hither and yon. Very tiring for so early on a
Well worth it though. Sloane loved it. From nearly the first
class onwards she became much more interested in dancing about. Whereas
before she simply jumped about, all of a sudden her jumping about seemed to have
some direction and form. Her skipping evolved into the Irish dance style
galloping that she was learning. She made some new friends and
mostly enjoyed herself - only a few crying episodes as she bumped her head or
something. Her teacher, Miss Julie, is to be commended for her patience.
It cannot be easy to get 7 three and four year old girls to stand in a line.
The year's classes ended on June 13, 2004 with a recital in Bradford.
The kids were dressed in simple costumes and were freakin' adorable as they
tried to dance and sing the routine that Miss Julie had so patiently taught
them. Lots of stage fright and enthusiasm made the youngsters quite a hit
for the parents. Lots of video cameras on hand.
Here a few little pictures of the recital. The flowers were from

Click on thumbnails to enlarge pictures: