Our First Home
We bought our first house in November of 1996 and moved in on
April 1, 1997 - just before the wedding. The house was in the countryside,
just outside of Barrie. We bought it largely because Colin always dreamed
of a country home and the price was far cheaper than anything closer to Toronto.
Ultimately, the pressures of being a lawyer and the isolation of country living
when we had two children, prompted us to move to Newmarket. But we still
have happy memories of the country estate.

Click on thumbnails to enlarge pictures:
Front of the house in summertime. |
The large backyard in wintertime. |
The front of the house in wintertime. |
One of the nicest things about the house was the small stream running through the front quarter of the property. |
One of the bad things? One winter a large elm tree was blown over - missed the house, but crushed Colin's car. |